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Meditation – Nourishing our Chakras (part 8)

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What is Meditation?Freedom, because it frees you from those burdens that you would otherwise take with you all day, and some of them even for life.When you relax you not only allow your body to rest, but relax your heart, give it breath, allow it to breathe freely without that strange suffering that sometimes appears without even knowing why.Sometimes it’s hunger, because your soul needs nourishment.Other times they are pains caused by the negative external energies that have entered and they have brought you a damage that you didn’t even realize, but that you drag over time letting you weigh down.Meditation can cure these pains.

Chakra meditation is very important and should never be underestimated, especially when you get into the habit of meditating every day and start taking it for granted. It must become and remain a spiritual habit, it must never become a Low moment during which you pretend to practice. Meditation can give great results, as long as it is practiced constantly and, without taking it for granted, it should be practiced well. It is normal for the first few times you do not understand the perfection and you enjoy the best that you can, which is often not the best, but since it is not as easy as it seems, do not expect too much from themselves. Many make the mistake of waiting for the right day, of not meditating in the hope that the perfect day will come when you can meditate well. Nothing could be more absurd, because it would be like taking medicine when the disease has already vanished, ignoring that it should be taken just to let it pass. Meditation is spiritual medicine because it cures the ailments of your Soul, of your psyche and your abilities to heal your physical body are not to be underestimated either. That it is necessary to meditate even when you do not feel very well is clear, because if you wait to meditate when you will be better, I guarantee you that nothing will change. Meditative sessions are meant to make you feel better, so they must be carried out precisely because you don’t feel fit, because you never have time to do anything, because you have problems in your life that you would like to solve or goals that you would like to achieve; if you already felt full and perfectly complete in your existence, you would certainly not be here in search of the truth. Meditation serves to complete you, to give you what you have never found before. Therefore it is normal to start meditation and not to succeed in not thinking or relaxing, and you do not have to blame or feel inferior because it takes so much training to improve the technique and, as you know, practice makes perfect.

This, however, should not push you to make a mistake, taking advantage of the fact that you have just started and that the error is acceptable, making this a habit. Surely if your only goal is to just relax, then it is only right that you focus on the previous articles that explain how to do it. Going forward, however, if your purpose is to evolve spiritually, then you must give up the laziness of not wanting to change some attitudes you have during meditation sessions, because the habit of making mistakes must change. Meditation must be done well. If you start immediately with a good habit, even if it may seem more difficult and complex due to the rules to be respected, with time you will thank you for doing it because you will continue with the right step. If you start off badly, then in a few years taking your steps is a bit more complicated, because by now you have got into the habit of making mistakes and you will not want to reprogram your sessions correctly. We only talk about laziness, because in reality meditation can be learned and improved even after years, but wouldn’t it be better if I started immediately on the right foot, rather than dragging the mistakes for years?

As I always say, it is better to meditate badly than not to meditate, because even a poorly made meditation brings you a physical and mental well-being that otherwise you would never have obtained; but this does not mean that if I meditated well everything would be better and this is the fundamental point: you can choose to meditate better.

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Besides, I think we tend to say too often that we have meditated badly, even though meditation has actually made us feel better; otherwise, you are completely wrong about the basics, because you probably don’t focus on my technique but on those you learn elsewhere, or why you completely skip the initial relaxation phase. In this case, meditation is hurt. Beyond this, however, if the problem is just not thinking, but at the end of meditation, however, you feel better than before, give yourself the right time to learn without being in a hurry, because that will be learned by practicing it every day, just like any other sport : if you want to learn to do the splits, the more you train the more you become familiar, until you become very good, but don’t expect to be able to do the full split without any training, hoping maybe to get results without any commitment. For the same reason, don’t think at all that the improvements and tests of the benefits of meditation arrive before practicing, because they will come only if you train constantly like any other sport. First we commit ourselves to practice and then the results arrive: never the opposite.

It is right, however, to recognize that sometimes you could do more because, instead of working, you sit and meditate as if you were drinking coffee with friends, with the same attitude of leisure and not of spiritual evolution. Meditation should not be done as if it were something hard and rigorous, with a severe and fussy mental state. Certainly, however, the more you put effort and seriousness in it, the more you will be able to offer you excellent improvements, which would not be able to give you if you always took too much to play. If you just want to relax it is an account, because you can take it much more lightly, but if your goal is to go further then it is right that you put more effort into it. But we must understand that the excess ruins everything, so becoming too demanding during meditation, too harsh, too precise, too serious, will ruin the positive atmosphere that instead wants to give meditation, which first of all is peace, emotion, emotion, and not hardness and severity. The seriousness that must be applied when practicing meditation must not be confused with insensitivity, which is something else entirely. Don’t be a meditation teacher, if you don’t even know how to move. Seriousness is deciding to take meditation more seriously, rather than discredit it and practice it without really intending to evolve; exaggerating with hardness, however, will lead the practitioner not to rise to higher dimensional levels and not experience the excitement and beautiful sensations that are found when touching certain stages. Meditation is also letting yourself go to freedom and stop for a moment to keep your eyes wide open on problems to abandon yourself to a very pleasant feeling of serenity and total relaxation. It’s a bit like floating on the water, feeling the beauty of moving and moving gently without difficulty.

If you are able to meditate twice a day every day and, in each session, to see improvements over the previous one, then you are progressing well. If not, you’re probably wrong approach, putting too little effort into what you do, sitting down to meditate but not really meditating. The conviction that sitting and meditating and actually doing it is the same thing does not take you very far. Sitting with the decision to meditate is not the same as meditating well, because to complete a good session you have to stay focused every minute of the whole session, and not just the second you sit in, because in that case it would be no different from sitting to listen music. Meditation is something more, it’s not just listening to music with your eyes closed, because everyone knows this already and as you can see it doesn’t take them that far. Even the half-lotus position does not already give good meditation, because in reality you are just sitting in a different position than usual. True meditation does not consist in the way you cross your legs but in the one where you choose to set your mind. Meditation is not in the legs but in the mind. When you sit down to meditate, don’t give up your intention as soon as you sit down, but choose to stay focused on your decision for the duration of the session. Don’t give up after two minutes.

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Before starting to meditate, choose to stay at least a few seconds to decide, more deeply, to practice a beautiful meditation before starting it; announcing a good technique will already lead you to improve it considerably. If you throw yourself on the bed thinking that meditating only means sitting in the middle of a lotus and touching your belly with your fingers, the session will not improve much and will remain more or less like the other low-level ones. Making yourself comfortable and with a straight back helps concentration because it allows your body to remain calm, rather than complaining after a few minutes for discomfort, back pain or boredom, because even the position you are in affects boredom of mind . If you sit up straight, with a pillow behind your back so you don’t get hurt, head straight, legs in half-lotus and comfortably seated, it will be easier to maintain concentration for 30 minutes, while if you were uncomfortable, after a few minutes you would already feel bored that would try to stop you from meditating.

Clearly, an occasion can occur in which you meditate in a different position depending on the need, for example if you want to meditate in the bus, train or at the house of others where you can’t lock yourself in the room and settle down as you wish: in these cases it is obvious that you have to adapt and meditate as you can. This however is the exception, it must not become a habit. Meditating several times a day allows you to improve the technique faster, so if you can meditate every day, at least twice for about half an hour, regardless of whether or not the sessions are close to each other, they will help you improve the technique and speed up the arrival of benefits in your life. Consistency is what allows meditation to make real effect, so it would make no sense to meditate every other day and then complain that it does not work, because in no sport can you become champion without any interest and commitment to practice. Moreover, the more you meditate, the brighter you get, and the white energy approaches you even during the rest of the day, despite the fact that within it you can meditate even 2-3 times, because if you do it constantly, it will be like a continuous call of prana that expands even in the hours when you are out for work or chores, and not only during the half hour of practice. This happens if you meditate every day constantly. If you give up meditation for a few days, the thread of continuous energy breaks and you start to have no more, while continuing to meditate every day feed a connection of prana that continues to arrive even during the day. You might notice the difference that constant meditation brings you even in small things; in fact, the more you meditate, the easier it is for something interesting to happen to you. For example, you could increase your dreams so much at night, especially those with important meanings or even premonitory ones; or, you could decrease your dreams depending on what you need, because if in your case the dreams were all the result of negative influences, stress, or meaningless with meaningless details due to the mental confusion you had during the day, then they begin to diminish or even cease to leave space only for the important ones. Certainly, if you dream a lot, meditation will help you remember better what you dreamed of, rather than immediately forgetting it as soon as you wake up. This is because meditation relaxes your mind and improves memory.

Moreover it is important that immediately after the meditation you do not throw yourself into the deepest Low, for example turning on the TV immediately, eating heavily, lighting a cigarette or taking an afternoon nap. Meditation doesn’t stop you from watching TV or eating, but do you have to do it right after the session? Can you wait at least 10 minutes before returning to a low frequency? I would like to point out this because over time you will notice a strange anti-spirituality program. In practice, immediately after the meditation, you will have an extreme desire to ruin everything by eating chocolates or unhealthy food destined to lower your consciousness that you had just raised by meditating; or, if you are not hungry, you will want to light a cigarette without even having had time to get up from where you were sitting or you will still have a sudden desire to have to log in to Facebook immediately to watch the notifications and, without even realizing it , you will already be clicking here and there on your mobile.

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Make yourself aware that these are not your natural thoughts and impulses, but programs that have been inserted to ruin your spirituality, so that if you try to raise your vibration and your consciousness through meditation, then you will lower it immediately with your own hands falling into traps like the ones listed above. If you don’t watch TV, don’t smoke or don’t like eating, don’t worry that the Low will act somewhere else that works on you, so pay attention to it. Rather, if you want to take a healthy habit, before meditating and also afterwards drink at least a glass of water, because through the liquids the energy moves better and, since with the meditation you are trying to absorb and move the energy inside of you, water is an extra help that, among other things, helps make your body healthier, so you can perform two excellent actions with a simple gesture. If you didn’t drink enough water before, now you have one more reason to do it and don’t ignore it too much, because you will realize that meditating after drinking at least one full glass of water will help you move energy better. I’d take it for granted but I’ll tell you the same: drink water before meditating, not carbonated drinks or fruit juices: they will be pure liquids but it’s not the same thing as drinking pure water.

Meditating every day is very important because it allows you to nourish your energy body, your aura, your strength, your protection from negativity, and above all your soul, which has a continuous and insistent hunger. The soul does not complain screaming in a voice, but with a sense of emptiness and sadness that you feel even when you live a beautiful day or next to the people you love, because pain comes from within, from the emptiness that the soul feels, which is nothing but the deepest you. Just like you should work on the vice that leads you to not drink water until you are really thirsty, which leads you to drink a lot less water than is necessary – and this will damage your body – you should learn to meditate everyday even when you don’t feel the hunger for energy, because you need it anyway. You can think of resisting and drinking half a liter of water a day is fine anyway, that you don’t need anything else because you can resist and you don’t feel thirsty, yet even if you don’t feel it your body gets damaged and in the long run aging and health problems come first, just like if you don’t feed yourself with energy and continue to take only the bare minimum, which isn’t even enough to survive. This is why the Consciences are extinguished before the body, because they do not have the nourishment necessary to survive and in the end the body ages but the consciousness inside is no longer there; one becomes a body without Consciousness, without Soul. Nourishment is fundamental and just as we could not stay alive for long if we did not eat for too long, even the conscience at a certain point dies if it continues not to be nourished. It is true that life times are different, that the body would die first if not fed unlike the soul that takes longer, but this does not make it immune to suffering and finally to death. Meditation is the meal during which the soul feeds on its food: the pranic energy.

We cannot compare the soul to a physical body, because the body must eat certain balanced meals and must not overdo it by falling into excess, but to stay in shape it must eat the right. Consciousness does not have a small stomach, it is not on a diet, it is an infinite container and the more it is nourished the more it expands to contain other energy, and this is good. The malnourished soul does not become thin, the soul becomes weak and destroyed if it is not fed properly. There are too many people convinced that they have a strong and ancient soul and that instead they live having a poor woman who suffers and suffers, that becomes ever smaller, because her energy is so little that she cannot even protect herself anymore. In these cases, calling it soul is a great exaggeration. By meditating and experiencing, you will make the Soul grow and evolve, expanding it and expanding it into other dimensions.

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Moreover, by meditating you increase the physical strength of your body, your internal organs and the cells that compose it, because you give it an elixir of youth, so to speak, which certainly will not prevent you from getting old forever, but whose effects they will be able to notice also in the aspect. Just meditating will improve your skin, which will become more beautiful and brighter over time, and although it may seem that it has nothing to do with energy, why shouldn’t it? The healthier the body is, the more it reflects its health even on the outside, improving it visibly. If you think that only meditating improves your skin, what happens in the micro organism and in everything you have inside the body and that you do not see? If only by meditating well can you see the differences even in aesthetics, what is really happening inside your body? In reality it is very simple: the energy does not enter only the chakras but expands throughout the body, slipping inside each of your cells. It is clear that the physical body cannot live forever, but thanks to meditation you can make the duration of your life far better, making it become a real life. Of course you will only understand this with experience, because until you take the practice more seriously and consistently this will not bring the results, just like any sport. Through energy you can prevent your body from receiving serious health problems that can arrive over time, but by practicing seriously you can also intervene on already existing problems. Unfortunately we are used to noticing problems only when we feel pain, rather than listening to warnings from our bodies that are not always dense, burning or cramping, but can be small signals that, if taken into consideration immediately, can avoid serious health problems. Unfortunately we do not always have time to listen to them, especially if we did not know the meditation and because of this many health problems we have suffered and are already in place. Nevertheless, the practice can help you a lot, especially if you choose to increase the sessions.

An example that marked me a lot during my experience is a heart problem that unfortunately struck me as a child, making me worry a lot, being a very delicate organ. My problem was a very strong pain that gripped my heart but not only: it seemed like a knife that was continually being inserted into my organ; the feeling was really terrible and left me breathless. Unfortunately I had to suffer this pain for several years, not knowing how to cure it. The doctor, without even checking me, said it was due to stress, which was nothing serious, although it should have immediately stood out to an experienced eye that such a small child would not have to suffer from stress, let alone heart aches. My health was not very good, although I kept up the high physical activity I did, as I kept myself in shape and walked several kilometers a day to get to and from school, which was not near my home. But the pains were becoming more and more serious, especially when I arrived at the house climb where the heart was so strong that it seemed to me to die from the pain. One day I had a pang so intense that I had to collapse, unable to walk as much as the cramps, although they looked more like continuous cuts, they took my breath away. I was really worried because the problem was not new to me, but it had been getting worse for a few years, until it reached its peak. I could no longer walk up that slope, I had to change and stretch the road a lot because I could no longer physically walk up that slope, it was so painful for my chest. Extending the road did not seem like a great solution, especially considering the weight of the schoolbag, but it was the only way that I could avoid that climb. Finally the doctor decided to visit me, after so much insistence, and discovered that I had a heart murmur. For years I suffered from this pain and I could not describe how much it hurt. It also destroyed my mind because the thought of how my life would go on over the years frightened me, since it kept getting worse and worse. I was terrified.

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Time passed, I continued to do everything possible not to overdo the efforts, I felt different from my companions because even those who were in bad physical shape still managed to walk without suffering from the heart, and I, who was in perfect line and trained walking for miles, I struggled to breathe from the pain.

At the young age of 16 I began to seriously meditate. If they had told me about it, I would not have believed it, and that is why I urge you not to believe me, but to try it on your body. As soon as I started meditating the atrocious pain in my heart it completely abandoned me, a pain that made me suffer for years, disappeared into nothingness so suddenly that I didn’t even realize I didn’t have it anymore, since it had left no mark. From that moment I never wanted to stop meditating. A pain so strong given by a problem that could not be cured is healed thanks to meditation. Therefore I do not listen to those who say they do in a certain way, or those who say that certain rules must be strictly followed. I practice what has shown me to have real and physical effects of fundamental importance for me, and that I now teach through the Academy. Finding the solution to my problem in meditation, which I underestimated as a child and thought it was something weird, made me understand that I would no longer want to abandon it for any reason in the world and I recognized salvation in her. This does not mean that my body is immortal, or that it is immune to everything, but I am quite sure that thanks to meditation I am avoiding who knows how many problems I should have had, first of all the suffering to the heart that I would have carried out until now . But not only. Today I know the reasons why I had certain pains, but as a child I could not know it and therefore I just suffered, thinking that there were logical and scientific motivations, without knowing that the breath of the heart, like the strong headache that I continually had, came from from negative attacks from which I did not know how to defend myself, as well as from the lack of energy to the chakras. In fact, since I was 10, the atrocious headaches began, which had already struck me in the previous years but worsened from that moment and I found myself unable to cry since the pain prevented me from even narrowing my eyes and swallow silently.

Unfortunately, the worst problem was that not even the medicines could calm my pain, so much so that over the years it continued to increase making me spend the nights vomiting because of the severe headache. I accepted my pain because even my mother and my sister suffered a lot, so I thought it was normal after all and I didn’t want to complain about what I thought everyone suffered from my peer. But they didn’t spend their time vomiting and yet they didn’t believe my desperate head pain. I was just a child and already I had to take medicine to alleviate the pain, which in any case could never get me through it completely, not even for a day. I remember that I used to suffer from headaches even in the second grade. Once I began to cry for the pain and only a teacher (a young boy) stopped to ask me what I had and to worry about me telling me that he too suffered a lot, while the female teachers, all elderly, mostly ignored me or sometimes they said he couldn’t hurt me that bad. But then over the years it has even deteriorated. For a long time I had to suffer this hell because I couldn’t find any solution and I never expected that it would have been enough to meditate to let me pass. Headaches can be caused by many reasons, such as stress, anger, health problems, problems with other organs; it can also come because you don’t drink enough, or because you haven’t eaten. There are so many reasons. What I discovered, only after starting to practice, is that headache is the first sign that the body uses to let you know that it does not have enough energy to fight all other problems. Even when you’re hungry, or you’re stressed, headaches can be avoided thanks to the energy in the chakras, because it allows the body to not suffer excessive consequences and still have a hidden reserve from which to draw when needed.

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Many headaches do not come from stress, health problems or hunger: they come from energy attacks, larvae, very negative energies that enter our body because, in the absence of our own energy, it cannot defend itself from this that comes from the outside. In other words, very many headaches do not come from physical problems but from the presence of negative energies that have not been kept out but have entered the body. If the chakras have energy they are able to maintain control of the external energies and therefore not to let in the negative ones, but if the chakras are empty, without energy of their own, the external influences are able to enter much more easily and cause damage in the long run even a lot. serious.

Clearly there are those who suffer from headaches more than others, because obviously some receive more attacks than others: we are absolutely not all the same. Let’s think about bullying: there are those who have suffered and those who haven’t, but we certainly can’t say that this doesn’t hurt anyone just because there are those who have never suffered it. For the same reason, not suffering from headaches does not mean having chakras already loaded, because anyone who does not meditate has the discharged chakras, it is a fact. More than anything else it means that he has never suffered a real attack, or that he continually suffers negative energies but continues to delude himself that his headaches are completely natural and due to lack of sleep, or to some other rational reason, in order not to admit that it is not normal to suffer such thick and strong pangs. I feel very fortunate and happy to have started so early to practice meditation, because it has saved my life from a very painful future, in every sense. Just as I meditated on the heart chakra and managed to cure a very painful problem in an incredibly short amount of time, I did the same with the headache meditating on the mind chakra. Clearly I have not stopped meditating, among other reasons, also because it allowed me to live life serenely, without having to shut myself up in the house to suffer from pain.

When I say that Meditation is Freedom, it means to be free even from the problems that all the others consider of normal daily life but that you can choose to eliminate from your routine. By meditating on the chakras you will begin to understand how important it is to constantly meditate to bring essential benefits. Your life will be different. For this reason I advise you to listen to the hunger of your chakras and nourish them, so that your physical body will be better first. And your soul even more.

End of page 7 on 7. If you liked the article, comment below describing your feelings when reading or practicing the proposed technique.

This document is the translation of the original article on the Accademia di Coscienza Dimensionale website.

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    20:24 30/05/23

    Un articolo che ho scelto di rileggere per ripassare meglio il funzionamento dei chakra. Non ricordavo i molteplici spunti di riflessioni che questo articolo offre, dalla storia di Angel e a come ha trovato la soluzione tramite la meditazione a problemi apparentemente impossibili da risolvere, in quanto attacchi energetici belli potenti, alla meditazione sui chakra che ci permette di espandere l'energia che assorbiamo in ogni parte interna del corpo, quindi cellule, tessuti, organi, migliorandoci sia internamente che esternamente, rendendo il nostro corpo fisico (e immagino anche quello energetico) perfettamente funzionale e in salute. Riflettendoci è un qualcosa di straordinario che avviene a livello microcosmico e penso che a livello macrocosmico in questo momento siamo noi praticanti quelle piccole cellule che si stanno cominciando ad attivare, come tanti puntini che prima erano spenti ma che con il risveglio delle capacità psichiche si stanno incominciando ad illuminare, portando positività e rendendo più forte l'insieme di cui facciamo parte :)

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    16:35 26/05/23

    Ho iniziato tardi a meditare, ma almeno ho iniziato nel posto giusto, senza portarmi dietro abitudini sbagliate da altri percorsi. Certo c'e' comunque il rischio di adagiarsi in cattive abitudini, abbassando il livello della pratica. Percio' e' meglio riflettere su qual'e' il nostro approccio alla Meditazione, c'e' sempre qualcosa che si può correggere ed e' bene farlo, piuttosto che illudersi di essere in fase di evoluzione continua, senza dover aggiungere niente. Sono convinta che chi ha provato seriamente a meditare per un periodo, non smetterà più! Perché i risultati, anche sulla salute, sono evidenti. Posso sbagliarmi, ma secondo me chi ha abbandonato la meditazione non stava praticando davvero... Mille Grazie!

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    21:41 25/05/23

    Grazie per questo articolo: sprona a fare meglio, a non sedersi sugli allori, a non accontentarsi ma anche a non farsi venire ansie da prestazione, a prendere la pratica con serietà certo, ma anche con apertura, con emozione. Non é un esercizio fisico che richiede immobilità e tensione muscolare per mezz'ora, é un esperienza che richiede calma e restituisce emozioni. A volte questo me lo dimentico e pratico in maniera automatica perdendo il senso della evoluzione spirituale, dello sviluppo del sesto senso e dei tanti insegnamenti contenuti in ACD

  • Sciamano

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    19:58 24/05/23

    Sono ormai più di tre anni che pratico la meditazione sui chakra ed è l'unica tecnica di meditazione sulla quale mi sono impegnato seriamente perché si dal primo momento ho avuto segnali tangibili, in primis, l'esistenza dei chakra che si sono fatti sentire in modo potente sin dai primi momenti donandomi delle sensazioni fisiche forti che mai avevo sentito prima di quel momento e che mi hanno fatto sentire vivo. Tutto ciò è stato una gran fortuna perché mi ha motivato sin da subito a metterci impegno nella tecnica e ad approfondirla sempre più sino ad oggi. E' chiaro poi che ci sono periodi in cui si pratica di più e altri un po' meno, meditazioni che vengono meglio e altre peggio, ma una costante è la pratica quotidiana senza mai saltare un giorno. Questa costanza deriva da uno stato mentale per il quale non appeni ti svegli la mattina sai che hai a disposizione uno strumento di grandissimo valore che ti aiuterà qualunque cosa succede ovviamente se messo in pratica conferendogli l'importanza che merita. Se dovessi percorre a ritroso questi tre anni sin alla prima sessione di meditazione di cose ne sono successe e allora non ci avrei scommesso un soldo bucato di vivere certe esperienze così forti ma se dovessi tracciare una linea di demarcazione tra una vita prima e dopo aver conosciuto la meditazione ( perché in realtà è cosi e la differenza è netta) direi senz'altro che prima vivevo con un inspiegabile senso di vuoto e ora invece con un senso di pienezza che quasi non ricordo più quel vuoto. Grazie infinite Angel❤

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    12:19 20/05/23

    Questo documento dei primi step lo avevo quasi dimenticato o dato per scontato, e invece rileggendolo a distanza di tempo ( mi sembrano passati parecchi anni) ho avuto modo di rispolverare nozioni importantissime e risposte sulla mia pratica che magari a volte intuivo o che sapevo ma il cui minimo ricordo era comunque finito lontano. Ecco perchè è importante ripassare i primi step! In questo documento si chiarisce la parte immortale della spiritualità e cioè la base della meditazione: cosa è e quali benefici porta a chi la pratica con impegno. Devo ammettere di aver fatto tutti gli errori da te descritti e non nego che vi sono momenti di "noia", che però vanno affrontati in quanto non sono per nulla naturale. Se ci proviamo a pensare un attimo come fai ad essere annoiato o stanco di praticare a fronte di una tecnica che ti fa stare meglio e acquistare energia?! E' chiaro che c'è dell'altro e che va superato per potersi concedere delle sessioni di meditazione evolutive. Da circa 3 anni a questa parte mai avrei pensato che la meditazione mi potesse donare emozioni e momenti così speciali, che si comprendono solo praticando con impegno e al contempo lasciandosi andare. A volte è difficile da spiegare il giusto stato mentale da tenere, anche perchè non ritengo di averlo mai avuto perfetto ma ci ho sempre provato. Che fossi stanca, annoiata, addolorata o triste, la meditazione mi ha SEMPRE fatto stare meglio, anche se di poco e non c'è mai stata una volta in cui non ne abbia sentito un minimo beneficio! Nel tempo ho sentito la naturale necessità di aumentare il numero di meditazioni e aumentandole vedi progressivamente notare che il tempo per la pratica aumenta, riesci a fare più cose nella stessa giornata, a dare meglio le priorità ad essere più svelto e veloce in tutte le faccende e soprattutto riesci ad imparare il valore del tempo, dando tempo a ciò che conta davvero! E sarà proprio ciò che conta davvero a portarti a sua volta in un circolo positivo al quale, se decidi ogni volta di dare avvio, ti farà restare sui binari giusti per l'evoluzione. Tuttavia mi rendo conto che si tratta di una scelta continua. Ogni momento noi possiamo decidere se praticare, o se saltare la meditazione perchè ci riteniamo troppo stanchi o non crediamo sia il momento giusto. Trovare la forza di andare oltre le scuse e gli impedimenti low però apre ad esperienze inaspettate e in questi anni, soprattutto in questo ultimo sto godendo appieno delle emozioni e commozioni che mi sta dando la meditazione, perchè se la compi con impegno, senza aspettative e seguendo i giusti passaggi può farti toccare davvero vette sempre più alte ed incredibili. La meditazione apre le porte alla libertà che è il preludio della vera vita. Si, la vita reale è quella in cui si è coscienti, si vive in prima persona e ci si rende conto di stare vivendo. Ma la meditazione è comunque solo l'inizio e a base di un percorso di evoluzione che, per quanto arduo, vale sempre la pena intraprendere. Grazie!

  • Damaride
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    14:57 13/05/23

    Per me la meditazione di A.C.D. è stata la svolta, quando la si pratica con costanza gli effetti sono concreti e innegabili! I primi effetti positivi che ho potuto constatare sono stati a livello emotivo, lo stress e l'ansia sono calati di molto mentre la forza mentale di affrontare certe situazioni sta decisamente aumentando. Tutto questo mi fa capire che la vita si può vivere veramente meglio, a patto che ci sia costanza in quello che si fa. A livello spirituale la meditazione è proprio il motore che fa funzionare tutto, quando medito di più le tecniche mi riescono molto meglio e anche nei momenti Low mi viene di praticare lo stesso. Diverso è quando si cala con il numero di meditazioni. Perciò, creare una solida abitudine spirituale in cui ogni giorno meditiamo tot volte è importante per poter fare progressi, anche perché più medito e più mi sento completa e questo si rivede anche nella mia vita. Visti gli effetti benefici non posso che dire che la meditazione salva letteralmente la vita, e che continuare a praticarla con impegno è la scelta migliore che si possa fare. Grazie Angel per insegnarci tutto questo ha un Valore gigantesco!

  • simobg
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    17:29 11/05/23

    Staro' molto piu' attento ai pensieri che mi arrivano e a cio' che desidero fare appena terminata la meditazione... scopriro' le manipolazioni del Low. Mi è dispiaciuto molto sapere di quanto hai sofferto da bambina/ragazza al cuore e i tremendi mal di testa... io mi sono accorto che meditando, mi sono scomparse molte preoccupazioni che accusavo durante il lavoro, riesco a mantenermi molto piu' sereno e fiducioso durante le avversità...

  • stewild86

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    07:56 05/05/23

    Questo file audio l'avevo già ascoltato su YouTube poiché è presente e riascoltarlo oggi mi dà tantissime nozioni utili per comprendere meglio cos'è la meditazione sia in termini tecnici che al di fuori della Tecnica ovvero proprio come stile di vita Infatti personalmente parlando L'errore che faccio spesso è quello di trovarmi ad essere spirituale solamente in ambito delle pratiche stesse e magari durante la vita nel Matrix mi faccio avviluppare dal Low frequency E dai gaias Senza neppure rendermi conto se non quando mi siedo e faccio le mie pratiche credo che dovrei migliorare anche questo aspetto della mia vita al fine di rendere la spiritualità un concetto globale di vita e non solo fine alle sessioni pratiche

  • Victoria8
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    18:41 03/05/23

    Ho riletto questo articolo tipo credo al max un mese fa e ci sono cose che avevo già dimenticato come ad esempio l importanza di bere acqua prima e dopo le sessioni meditative che ci aiuta a fluire meglio l energia assorbita. È da un po' che medito, cercando di nn saltare mai un giorno. Ci sono giorni che è davvero dura, giorni in cui il low fa di tutto x farmi saltare le sessioni. Per nn parlare poi del rimando che è sempre in agguato, basta una piccola distrazione e ti fai trascinare via. Ed è in quei momenti che gioca molto l essere cosciente e riconoscere che tt può aspettare ma nutrire i chakra no. Meditare è diventato x me vitale. Mi capita a volte di nn poterlo fare come è mia abitudine appena sveglia e il mio pensiero è sempre lì , sento che mi manca qualcosa. La cosa bella è che anche durante il giorno presto attenzione ai miei chakra e loro si fanno sentire. Li sento pulsare come se rispondessero al mio pensiero ed è davvero un emozione molto forte proprio come ciò che sento durante le meditazioni, sono emozioni molto positive che a volte mi portano anhe a commuovermi

  • Francesca
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    23:34 02/05/23

    Sempre importante rileggere i documenti che ti motivano a meditare! L’acqua effettivamente sento che aiuta tanto a muovere l’energia e mi aiuta anche ad essere più cosciente perché se decido di bere prima e dopo la meditazione metto coscienza al pre e al post

  • Wanderer
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    15:42 29/04/23

    Leggere i documenti sulla meditazione mi da sempre spunto e la motivazione per migliore in questa tecnica! Le difficoltà che hai dovuto superare Angel sono incredibili e tutto si è risolto solo grazie alla pratica psichica!! Assurdo come abbiano cercato di fermarti in ogni modo e se noi siamo qui oggi è solo grazie alla tua forza, dalla quale non si può far altro che prendere esempio. Dici proprio bene quando spieghi che a volte non abbiamo idea di quanto la meditazione ci stia facendo bene, soprattutto quando abbiamo costanza e ancora di più se ci impegnamo a migliorarla!! Mi hai aperto un mondo quando hai detto che quando meditiamo la prana si espande non solo nei chakra ma anche all'interno di tutte le cellule. Inoltre è bellissimo che più meditiamo con costanza più diventiamo luminosi e più la prana si avvicina a noi anche quando non stiamo praticando. Grazie Angel, tutto questo per noi è possibile solo grazie a Te!

  • atys
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    13:21 29/04/23

    Mi è piaciuto molto questo articolo, è sempre buono sottolineare quanto sia importante meditare in piena presenza e consapevolezza, senza lasciarsi andare durante il percorso. I benefici che derivano dalla meditazione sono tanti ed anche se medito da poco tempo sto già sperimentando i suoi effetti incredibili, sul corpo, sull'umore e anche nella mia quotidianità. Grazie anche per il consiglio di bere acqua prima della meditazione e durante il giorno, è una cosa che faccio poco e da oggi comincerò a cambiare questa abitudine.

  • clanni
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    11:10 29/04/23

    In quest'ultimo periodo sono stato molto costante e anzi ho avuto modo di sperimentare anche con più costanza altre tecniche. Ho potuto riscontrare che quell'esperienza di cui parla Angel, ovvero quella che si fosse creato quella sorta di assorbimento di prana bianca anche durante la giornata, fuori dalla meditazione. Me ne sono reso conto proprio qualche giorno fa, dopo aver meditato mi sentivo molto forte e carico, però poi andando a lavoro e poi andando in palestra, arrivavo alla sera, prima dell'altra meditazione mi sentivo più scarico, perdevo molta energia durante la giornata ma non troppa da essere giù. Invece qualche giorno fa, dopo la meditazione ero molto energico e nonostante la giornata pesante al lavoro e le varie manzioni e attività svolte mi rendevo conto che alcune attività, sì mi portavano via energia, ma in automatico era come se mi ricaricassi senza meditare. Non mi spiegavo il perchè! Ora rileggendo questo articolo appena sono arrivato a quel rigo, mi è caduta subito l'attenzioni lì, come se quelle righe fossero proprio lì per rispondere a quella mia domanda! Porrò molta attenzione nei prossimi giorni a notare questa cosa. Inoltre bisogna porre molta attenzione alla spiegazione che Angel ci porta dell'anima, che quando è scarica e ha bisogno di enegia non "urla" ma ci fa sentire giù e ci fa sentire vuoti e nemmeno la cosa che ordinariamente ci rende felici invece non ci riempe. La meditazione è uno pratica necessaria e fondamentale che ci permette anche di evolvere nelle varie tecniche. Ultimamente come dicevo, oltre aver praticato con costanza ho aggiunto altre pratiche, alle mie pratiche quotidiane e ho notato per esempio nelle tecnica dei movimenti di energia che non compievo con costanza quotidiana che ultimamente tutto d'un tratto ho migliorato tanto i movimenti e sentivo l'energia che si muoveva con più fluidità e facilità con meno sforzo con solo un leggero intento sntivo che andava dove volevo.

  • apis

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    12:54 28/04/23

    In effetti, la parte più impegnativa della pratica della meditazione inizia dopo le prime settimane o mesi di euforia iniziale. Con l'atteggiamento necessario, è relativamente facile mantenere una routine quotidiana. Ma solo oggi mi sono reso conto di quanto sia facile rovinare una meditazione dandola per scontata. Non so se sono molte le persone che iniziano davvero la pratica spirituale solo dopo aver avuto seri problemi. In ogni caso, ci vuole molto lavoro e tempo per fare progressi in condizioni di salute precarie o con influenze negative di lunga data. Ho scoperto che due meditazioni al giorno (oltre ad altre pratiche) sono davvero il minimo per migliorare costantemente. Una meditazione al giorno è solo la "dose di mantenimento" ed è troppo poco se ci sono problemi. Ci sono volute circa due settimane per alleviare i mal di testa causati da un chakra della mente vuoto. Gli altri sintomi, causati da attacchi ed energie negative, stanno migliorando solo ora dopo tre mesi di pratica intensiva. Da qualche tempo ho notato che il mio tono è più basso al mattino, ma non così profondo come prima. Inoltre, ora sento davvero una forte presenza positiva intorno a me per tutto il tempo, soprattutto quando sposto la mia attenzione lì. Questo non è certamente dovuto solo alla meditazione, ma anche al fatto che faccio appello al prana bianco molto spesso durante la giornata, sia mentre guido (molto utile!) che mentre mi lavo i denti! Buon appetito anima :)

  • Aron
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    00:08 28/04/23

    Mi ha molto colpito il fatto che una Coscienza/Anima può consumarsi fino a morire prima del corpo. Resta un corpo vuoto senza nulla all'interno. Meditare è indispensabile per fare stare meglio il nostro corpo e proteggerlo, oltre che per nutrire la nostra Coscienza del suo cibo, la Prana. Quindi nutrendo di Prana i chakra, questi possono proteggerci da eventuali energie negative, se non si medita i chakra sono scarichi e non possono proteggerci. Mi chiedo come possono fare la stragrande maggioranza delle persone che non meditano , ma non meditano perché non sanno e da qui si arriva alla morte della coscienza prima del corpo ma quando si consuma fino a morire questo è per sempre. Mi intristisce la cosa , bisogna fare sapere il più possibile.