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The Chakras – How do Chakras work? (part 2)

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In the previous article I explained the importance of the upper chakras: Heart, Mind and Crown. These three chakras are fundamental to solve your daily issues, to find the best solutions and to have the right determination to keep going. But here comes the part that I like the best, in fact these three chakras are not the only ones you should meditate on, for a more than valid reason. Even though they are very powerful in finding solutions, you’re still in charge of putting them in place with your concrete actions. How can you pretend that your energy centres will do everything if you don’t make a move to solve your problems as well? The chakras have given you the idea, they have revealed to you the solution to get rid of your problems, and they have given you the right motivation to do so. But now you have to do it. Because it’s not easy to comprehend the Crown chakra and its universal plans, you might often think that the solution is too complex, and that it’s almost impossible to win your battle. So you will be scared of facing this test even though, thanks to the Crown, you know what the right solution is to face it. Fear will block you. You will be feeling anxious, scared of not being good enough, and sometimes the Heart won’t be sufficient to ease that sense of anxiety that leaves you breathless and with an ache in the chest. That’s why you need to work on the Solar Plexus.

The Plexus chakra is profoundly connected to the Heart and to the Chi because it is placed exactly in the area of the stomach, at the centre of the line between these other two chakras. Its position is incredibly important. If we were to define the upper chakras as “feats beyond the world” and as “ability to reason”, the Solar Plexus is the exact half way between feeling and matter, between abstract and concrete. If the Mind and the Crown chakras were unbalanced they would clash, because one of them works on events that are incredible and beyond reason, while the other one is reasonable and reflexive. This might make them look as if they were opposites, but thanks to meditation they will actually collaborate very well and find the best solutions together. The Plexus is between two complete opposites, which are feeling and material concretization: Heart and Chi. But if these chakras are nourished with prana they will work very well together. Feelings go beyond reason: the emotion that the Heart gives is much more similar to that of the Crown, in the sense that it doesn’t follow human reason but its own. The Chi is not abstract, it isn’t thought; the Chi is matter, concretization. Yet, all of them together, form an incredible power that can’t be understood with theory only. The chakras help you make your intentions and thoughts physically concrete. This is why those people who meditate can reach their goals much faster than even those who spent their whole life studying and working for that same goal, but who often never even accomplish it because they have never practiced any meditation. It may seem strange, because you are not used to such information, but your chakras will give you the power to allow you to have a great impact on this reality.

The Plexus is in the middle between emotion and physicality: it’s an amazing bridge that makes you physically experience emotions. If you thought that emotions were only feelings, and thus abstract, the Plexus allows you to physically perceive your emotions, and it does that every day. But this doesn’t happen consciously, which makes you subject to your emotions rather than in the position to actively enjoy them! The Plexus is the bridge between the energetic and the material dimensions – because it is between the Chi and the Heart – and this is the reason why, when we are experiencing a strong emotion, it will be reflected in the stomach with a physical sensation. When we have a strong feeling about something, for example because we are in love, we can perceive a blockage in the stomach which we would say is real, hard and physical, as if the stomach had a stone inside itself that obstructs our will to eat. Emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, or great sadness can even provoke stitches in our stomach and diarrhea.

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How can we touch or smell an invisible feeling, something that can’t be seen? How can something that we believe is not real – because it can’t be inhaled or eaten – provoke such sickness in our stomach, and in our body in general? Because the feeling becomes concrete thanks to the Chi! The Plexus is in the way between the feelings of the Heart and the material concretization of the Chi. The Plexus is very useful, because by making it strong through meditation, it allows us to have a stomach protected from every point of view. In fact, negative feelings fall on the stomach and give us pain, but if we meditate on the Plexus, the chakra protects the stomach and prevents negative feelings from thickening inside the organ and thus from becoming physical by provoking pain, nausea and diarrhea. Those who meditate on the Plexus don’t suffer from stomach aches anymore, even those who used to have them frequently; we should wonder why.

The Plexus is the chakra that experiences feelings in a concrete way and it is very important to know that, because with an undercharged Plexus other peoples’s feelings can also have a bad impact on our physical body. The Plexus is an accumulator of emotions – often mainly negative ones because those are the emotions that people feel the most due to their personal dissatisfaction, which they end up projecting onto others as well – and it transforms the feelings of rage and sadness of the people that think about us in physical sensations which damage our body. This is because people’s thoughts emanate energy, which can strike and sometimes damage the people that they are thinking about with negative emotions! In other words, a stomach ache is a strong sign that marks the absorption of negative energy, which can be created from the inside if we are pessimistic people, or come from the outside if we are victims of negative energies coming from others, including non-physical presences that send those energies to us. Even though we don’t see it with our eyes, other people send us a lot of negative energies. By consistently meditating we give the strength to our Plexus to protect itself and therefore react, by inhibiting the negative emotion from becoming physical disease. This is whether the energy was coming from the inside or from the outside. The Plexus gives us the possibility to find the strength to face any adversity without those negative physical feelings that destabilize us, such as fear, pessimism, anxiety, and so on. For this reason the Plexus is connected to the realization of one’s goals: if you have physical fear you can’t make your ideas concrete. Fear is a very complex feeling, and if it becomes physical in your body it will stop you from taking any action, and in fighting for what you believe in.

Fear can cause huge physical pain and problems, just like anxiety and pessimism. Through meditation you give more strength to your Plexus and instead of experiencing fear you will have that physical determination inside yourself which will make you able to face any obstacle. The Plexus is the solution to anxiety, fear and panic attacks, in fact it’s clear that those who suffer from these problems have a Plexus chakra even weaker than usual. Meditating on the Plexus, therefore nourishing it with energy, will help you a lot to quickly face your anxiety, fear and panic issues, because it will reinforce the chakra which is the most connected and responsible of these emotions. Start meditating on the Plexus and you will see how these problems will get solved. The Heart chakra will have an important value in creating the positive feeling that the Plexus will amplify. Reason (i.e. the Mind chakra) will have to make the Plexus understand that there is no motivation to physically suffer because of a bad emotion. Through this you understand that all the chakras have to collaborate, thus is fundamental to meditate on all the 5 chakras, and not on one only. You have been unaware of your chakras for your whole life, but they have always been inside you waiting to give you this power.

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Most of our daily problems would be already perfectly solvable simply through the act of meditating, because by nourishing our chakras we would give them the power to help us being more focused, awake, reactive, and able to solve problems thanks to the upper chakras. But not only that, we would be less influenced by other people because we would be more centered on our decisions and abilities. We would be less emotional and more empathic: therefore stronger in facing other people’s offences and anything that can make us suffer, which doesn’t mean becoming insensitive; on the contrary, we would be more able to understand and perceive other people’s thoughts and emotions. So we would be more sensitive and at the same time stronger and able to detach the feelings that we don’t like. Thanks to the Plexus, the Heart, the Mind and the Crown, we would already be solving so many of the problems that fill our days, but we can do it only if we meditate on them.

There is still one gear missing to make everything work. In fact, even though you may have found the solution through the upper chakras (Mind and Crown), motivation thanks to the Heart, courage to fight and to face fears thanks to the Plexus, you still wouldn’t exactly have all the tools to confront the problem. To do so you have to act, but you need physical strength to do it. Here’s where the Chi fits in. You may think about this chakra in several ways, but the truth is that without the Chi it is not easy to materialize your goals. When you think you are stuck in the process of thinking. Often, thinking and hoping are not enough, and even the courage of facing your obstacles might not be enough, because it doesn’t mean that you are actually facing them. Being hungry doesn’t imply eating: even though you are hungry and you would like to eat, this doesn’t mean that you are already doing it, otherwise you would stop being hungry. You can be as brave as you want but, unless you make a move and do something, the problem will stay, even if in your mind it’s now easy to solve.

This is what the Chi does: it is necessary to make our ideas concrete and to face our fears. The Chi is the chakra of physical energy, therefore the chakra that is the most connected to this physical plane. In fact, the Crown chakra is a lot more dimensional, while the Mind translates, and the Heart transmits emotions to us. But the Chi is the one that physically connects us to this material dimension the most. For this reason it is way better to have a strong and sturdy Chi chakra rather than a weak one, in order to achieve any goal we may have on the physical plane. The Chi is basically the chakra that makes our ideas real and concrete on this physical dimension. When we visualize, it’s as if what we are creating exists, but in a dimension that is too abstract to be seen and felt by anyone, which might lead to the thought that such visualization is not real. But the Chi allows us to transpose into reality what we desire in our minds, by making those events happen on the physical plane as well. This chakra is the tool that we can use to make our ideas concrete more easily than we think. There are moments in which you may believe that there is no way out, that there is no solution to your problems, or that what you desire is impossible to achieve, but thanks to practice you can make those wishes real.

All the chakras work together to make you achieve your goals, but to accomplish them it’s up to you to get yourself into gear and obtain what you want, because if you stay still it’s diffcult to realize what you already consider impossible. The Chi gives value to your thoughts and allows you to make them concrete more easily, without excessive effort, and faster than you would have thought. The Chi is the reality of this dimension, it is the chakra that gives you physical proof that it’s all true. It’s the simplest chakra to understand because it’s direct, and it gives you certain immediate physical sensations that prove its existence to you. It gives you physical strength, and its closeness to the Plexus gives you moral strength and courage, plus the push you need to keep going. It’s not by chance that athletes who want to become champions discover and use the Chi to obtain guaranteed extra strength and agility that will allow them to overtake their opponents. Basically, it is the chakra that makes realistic and effective your techniques, decisions and ideas: it makes them concrete and material in this dimension.

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It’s a fundamental chakra to survive in the social life of this planet because it defends you from aggressions, it strengthens you in offensive techniques, and it allows you to concretize your life with real events, or at least considered real on this physical plane. Deep down inside we know that everything that surrounds us is not real, but for others, for the unaware people, what surrounds us is the only reality that exists. So it’s very important to practice to have a strong Chi that will allow us to have a life which will be recognized as real by this Matrix. In a few words, the other chakras could even be very powerful, but without the Chi you would keep being too much “out of the world” because you wouldn’t become concrete on this physical plane.

At this point a spontaneous question could arise: if the Chi is the most important chakra for this dimension, why don’t we meditate upon it solely? Why do we focus on the other chakras as well? The answer is simple, because the Chi is not the most important chakra! The Chi makes an idea, a decision taken with the upper chakras concrete, but it’s not easy to realize something positive if you have only problems and bad thoughts in your head. It’s clear that you would only materialize problems and negative events! And this can’t happen anymore. This is why we meditate on all the 5 chakras and not only on the Chi: because before concretizing something we need to know what it is that we want to realize. If we are always pessimistic and full of problems the Chi will not be able to do much to help us, on the contrary it will be weakened even more.

For the same reason it would be wrong to practice on any other chakra and to ignore the others completely. For example if we would focus only on the Heart chakra we would become too emotional, and we would totally forget reason. Also, we would be totally unable to achieve anything in our life because we would be too focused on our feelings and not enough on concretization. So the Heart on its own – even though it is a very positive and benevolent chakra – wouldn’t be enough to live your life well. If you were to take the Mind chakra as the only chakra to practice on, you would become too convinced of your logic and too obsessive, because without the help of the Crown and of all the other chakras, the Mind wouldn’t be able to balance you, and to make you a complete person. If you decided to dedicate your time exclusively to the Mind chakra, after years, the absence of the other chakras would prevent you from realizing your goals because you wouldn’t have the strength to concretize them. You would be convinced of knowing the whole truth – and the Mind can offer a lot of it – but without Chi, Plexus, etc. you would still be lacking in concrete proof. To evolve you need equilibrium, therefore meditation on all the 5 chakras.

This is the explanation of why we need all the chakras to evolve in equilibrium, and we need them nourished and not just used rarely, weakly and without awareness. We all have numerous chakras within ourselves, 5 of which are the most important ones that, if used consciously every day, would improve our lives from the simplest things to the biggest experiences. Because these chakras don’t have pranic energy at the moment – until we start meditating – they can only scarcely accomplish “normal” actions, often with poor results: nothing exceptional and even less spiritual/paranormal. But if we meditate on the chakras to nourish them with pranic energy we are giving them the strength to work on the paranormal plane as well, offering great positive and evolutional experiences. By meditating on the chakras you allow them to evolve and to strengthen their abilities, which you will use to improve every aspect of your daily life, in addition to your evolution on the spiritual planes. Also, you can understand why we meditate on chakras that are so different from each other now, for example: the Crown (dimensional and extrasensory experiences) and the Chi (real facts and concrete action). As the Crown opens our mind and makes us discover new worlds and dimensions, the Chi brings our feet back on the ground and makes us understand that it’s good to discover other dimensions, but we shouldn’t retreat within ourselves by living with our head in another world.

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It’s right that we live in this concrete dimension, because if we are born here there must be a reason. The same rule works for the Heart chakra: if it was the only one we used, we would be too emotional, and have our heads stuck in the clouds, rather than being attentive to what is happening around us. Because we must be balanced, we don’t meditate only on the Chi, but we meditate on the upper chakras as well. In this way we allow them to show us that everything we see and believe as real might not be that real, because there are several other dimensions where the Matrix as we know it doesn’t exist, but there is something very different instead. So this chakra allows us to not get too attached to this dimension and to make us see beyond, as it would have happened if we had meditated solely on the Chi (a very material chakra, therefore connected to our earthly masks!)

Now you know why I give a precise number of minutes to meditate on every chakra rather than treating them as if they were all the same (for example, by meditating ten minutes on each one of them without recognizing their differences, as many other people wrongly do). Every chakra is different and you will learn to understand their peculiarities a bit at a time. Today’s lesson is in fact only an introduction to what the chakras are, because they actually have a lot more interesting information for us, which we could use for our physical, emotional and mental well-being. My suggestion is to meditate as I have taught you, and to not worry, because it won’t be a few extra minutes on a chakra that ruins your equilibrium. However, I suggest not following those trends of “fasting” dictated by fake spiritual masters that invite you to meditate on one chakra only, inhibiting you from a balanced evolution on all the other chakras, as you should do. Up until today you have lived without conscious use of the chakras, so you think that this is normal, and that you can live well without them too. But if you decide to practice on them and to exploit them so that you may reach your goals, you will then wonder how you could have lived without their help before. When you start to use the chakras and to improve every aspect of your life – thanks to the natural strength that they can give you – you will realize how lucky you have been in finding out about their presence inside you. They are like hidden muscles that are looking forward to being trained. It’s up to you to decide to do this everyday.

In this article I have explained what the chakras are, but don’t worry if you’re not sure you have understood every definition perfectly, because the only way to really understand how they work is to live them firsthand. Through theory you can understand that each chakra helps you in different aspects of your life, and amplifies your abilities. For example the Chi increases physical strength while the Mind improves your intellect; but in practice you will understand all this only by meditating, and by giving your chakras the power to do all of this. By nourishing them with prana during meditation, your chakras will really be able to help you achieve the changes that you need, and that you have always dreamt of; but without energy they can’t do it because they don’t have the strength to. Also, the chakras are not only amplifying your “normal” abilities, but they amplify your spiritual senses as well, the ones defined as “paranormal”. Meditating on the chakras allows you to develop all those psychic abilities within you that will allow you to really live a better life, not only in words but in concrete action.

In the next article we will talk about Thinking, in order to improve your next Meditation sessions. Don’t be in a rush to understand everything immediately, because to learn certain information it takes time and a lot of meditation. In a short time you have found yourself thrown into a “reality” which is a lot different from the one you have experienced all these years, so it is normal to feel a bit disoriented, and to have difficulties understanding certain information. It’s a lot of information revealed all at once, and it’s not easy to absorb it all instantly! But don’t feel bad about it because it’s the same obstacle on which all of us, at the beginning of our path, have stopped to reflect on. Be patient and proceed, one step after another, without rushing. In this way you will have a balanced evolution, without gaps to stop you.

End of page 5 of 5. If you liked the article, comment below to describe your feelings when reading or practicing the proposed technique.

This document is the translation of the original article ( on the Dimensional Consciousness Academy website.

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  • Micol

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    21:00 03/04/21

    Meditare è una chiave fondamentale e lo si percepisce subito dalle prime volte, finita una meditazione mi sembra sempre di respirare meglio, di essere un canale aperto e libero come se i blocchi energetici si fossero sciolti Questo poi si riversa sull’umore e mi sento sempre meglio Non avevo mai meditato sui chakra prima d’ora e questi ultimi due articoli me ne hanno fatto capire l’importanza

  • Cercatore

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    17:15 02/04/21

    Argomento molto interessante, anche i Chakra ribadiscono il concetto di equilibrio tra mente e corpo. Sicuramente lo rileggerò perché c'è tanto da apprendere.

  • Damn

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    18:48 31/03/21

    Lezione molto interessante come nella lezione precedente viene ribadito il concetto che ogni Chakra è fondamentale. Le informazioni sono davvero tante ed è incredibile come, ad esempio il discorso sullo stomaco/Plesso, rispecchi la realtà!

  • francesco11

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    15:03 31/03/21

    Come sull'argomento precedente su come, sia mente nel darci risposte e corona nel crearci situazioni più elevate per darci risposte che con il solo mente non saremmo potuti arrivare su sensazioni provate sul cuore, così il chakra chi da quella forza materiale su alcuni blocchi che il plesso ci comunica dopo aver ascoltato ciò che il cuore percepiva. Sono così incredibilmente connessi fra loro che quando capisci l'importanza che hanno ognuno di loro e l'aiuto che si danno e che ci danno durante la giornata, se caricati, difficilmente dubiteremo del loro importantissimo compito che hanno. Grazie

  • Dolores
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    13:53 31/03/21

    Molto interessante questa lezione, ci fa capire molto bene a cosa servono i chakra. Da quando ho conosciuto l'accademia e piano piano ho cominciato a meditare sia fisicamente che mentalmente mi sono sentita molto meglio. Anzi posso dire che le mie paure sono scomparse, mi sembra di essere più forte sia moralmente che fisicamente. Posso dire di aver scoperto un mondo nuovo dove ci si può curare con la prana. Non sapevo nulla dei Chakra prima di conoscere questi documenti. Grazie per l'opportunità che ci dai, ci aiuti ad imparare e a migliorare la nostra vita! Grazie mille!

  • Maryall80
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    09:35 31/03/21

    Da quando medito trovo sempre miglioramenti, caratterialmente mi sento più forte di prima. In più non ho più fastidi di mal di schiena la mattina quando mi alzo. Soffro da due anni di reflusso, ed ora sto molto meglio... in più prima la notte prendevo 15 gocce di minias, ho sofferto di ansia e attacchi di panico, oltre ad imbottirmi di gocce la sera, facevo anche qualche tiro di canna, ma essendo che non ne avevo mai fumato prima mi davano l'effetto contrario, stavo male e mie attacchi di panico aumentavano... da quando pratico non ne tocco più. Da poco ho scoperto che posso effettuare il taglio fili per quanto riguarda le sigarette, (tasto dolente) e devo dire che da più di 20 sigarette che fumavo ora ne fumo 5. La mia vita la stavo distruggendo da sola... ed ora ne sono cosciente. Grazie alla meditazione e alle tecniche mi sento in risalita❤

  • Antonella
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    00:38 31/03/21

    Ogni chakra possiede determinate caratterestiche e abilità, collaborando all'unisono ci garantiscono la capacità di vivere una vita migliore. Inoltre amplificano le nostre capacità psichiche facendoci vivere esperienze paranormali ed evolutive. Per riuscirci è necessario dare loro nutrimento attraverso la Prana, ovvero Meditando. Grazie Angel!

  • Maya
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    23:49 30/03/21

    Avere queste informazioni è fantastico, permette di dare un'attenzione diversa ad ogni singolo chakra che porta a meditazioni più profonde, e a soluzioni più immediate in quanto i chakra lavorano insieme come ingranaggi dove ognuno è indispensabile all'altro. Grazie

  • Peace
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    23:15 30/03/21

    Questo documento è veramente ricco di informazioni fondamentali per il proprio percorso Spirituale, ma anche per vivere meglio la propria vita in generale. In passato, soprattutto all'inizio, davo molta più importanza ai chakra alti, anche se comunque praticavo su tutti i chakra per il tempo insegnato in Accademia, però mi rendevo conto di come fossi più concentrato quando praticavo sui chakra alti rispetto a quelli bassi e reputo fosse perché personalmente mi sentivo attratto dal paranormale e quindi mi veniva più spontaneo essere più concentrato sui chakra alti; ma come spiega benissimo Angel è necessario avere i chakra ben equilibrati per fare in modo che le soluzioni che i chakra alti riescono a trovare, vengano tradotte e riportate sul piano fisico da quelli bassi, in modo da superare al meglio le varie situazioni. Come sempre il documento è spiegato in maniera esemplare e già da questi primi documenti dello step 1 si capisce la grande padronanza degli argomenti che ha la nostra Maestra, che ci regala informazioni di altissimo livello, frutto della Sua reale esperienza, cosa tutt'altro che comune. Grazie mille Angel per averci fatto ripassare questo documento, sono stato davvero felice di ascoltarlo e riprendere nuovamente padronanza delle informazioni riportate. Grazie!

  • Rodica

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    22:26 30/03/21

    È stato molto bello rileggere questo documento.Un argomento che mi piace moltissimo, perché è fondamentale per la nostra evoluzione.Sono le chiavi della nostra serenità, meditando sulle Chiakra e nutrirli d'energia per collaborare meglio fra di loro per raggiungere gli obiettivi desiderati.Grazie Maestra.

  • Tali
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    21:54 30/03/21

    Questa lezione é importante perché spiega cosa accadrebbe nel caso si decidesse di meditare in modo squilibrato, ad esempio su un chakra solo, oppure tralasciandone qualcuno o uno. La meditazione sui chakra di acd é perfetta e equilibrata, é creata proprio per far arrivare gli effetti dei chakra in completa armonia! Conosco dei "percorsi" dove fanno assorbire energia solo dal mente ad esempio, e ora che conosco gli effetti negativi non voglio immaginare quelle persone, perché gia iniziano ad avere comportamenti strani. In acd invece non dobbiamo avere paura di nulla, e non fa niente se si medita un minuto in piu o meno ogni tanto su un chakra (mentre all'inizio questo timore un po lo avevo) Grazie mille!!

  • Liu

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    20:28 30/03/21

    Questo ripasso ribadisce l’importanza dei chakra e delle rispettive peculiarità .si nutrono con Prana personalizzando i tempi per ogni uno al fine di metterli in equilibrio tra loro .Si occupano del nostro corpo energetico migliorando notevolmente la salute fisica . Noi tutti studenti di ACD siamo la testimonianza di tutti i benefici che si hanno meditando quotidianamente sui 5 chakra . 🧘‍♀️🙏🏻

  • Lo
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    19:05 30/03/21

    ...” l’unico modo per capire davvero come funzionano i chakra è viverli in prima persona “...un’altro bellissimo documento che bisogna rileggerlo frequentemente perché ogni volta svela nuovi informazioni, nuovi percezioni, nuove consapevolezze. Infinitamente grazie Angel!!!!

  • ilary
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    17:52 30/03/21

    Alla mia prima med di Acd ricordo di aver sentito subito il chakra Chi e pure il Mente, mentre per gli altri ho dovuto aspettare qualche altra sessione, ed è stata la mia prima esperienza con loro: non credevo davvero di riuscire a sentirli alla prima med, eppure sono lì, sono sempre stati lì e non ne avevo mai saputo quasi nulla, non ci avevo dato peso. Pensavo che ok, erano solo punti energetici in cui si incontravano i nervi ma finita lì, pensavo fossero già attivi di natura e che non servisse fare nulla per loro. Per fortuna che ho trovato Acd e mi si è aperto un mondo su questo argomento (e su tanti altri anche). Mi è piaciuto molto infatti rileggere questo documento, ho trovato molti concetti che avevo scordato e anche molte conferme, soprattutto sul chakra Plesso: è il chakra su cui mi sono maggiormente dedicata nell'ultimo anno (senza tralasciare gli altri ovviamente) e quello che in effetti mi ha sempre dato più riscontri a livello fisico, anche quando non sapevo della sua esistenza. Tutte le emozioni infatti, tutti i sentimenti che provavo, si ripercuotevano sul Plesso e sullo stomaco, soprattutto i sentimenti negativi; grazie agli insegnamenti di Angel ho capito però che anche le influenze esterne, anche i pensieri degli altri (soprattutto negativi) possono influenzare l'energia dei nostri chakra, se non siamo coscienti e non ci pratichiamo su. Il sistema dei chakra del nostro corpo è davvero perfetto, se fossero sempre pieni di energia come dovrebbero essere, e siamo qui per questo, con le med li riempiremo per bene per ottenere il massimo del benessere. Grazie Angel!

  • riccardob
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    15:29 30/03/21

    Questo ripasso ha ancor più impresso in me il meccanismo di perfetta cooperazione che tutti i Chakra esercitano tra loro, nel momento in cui ci si medita. Parrebbe impossibile integrare la Corona con il Chi, e invece lo fanno. E questo è straordinario, perchè è il perfetto esempio di ciò che siamo noi: fisico (in realtà siamo energia, ma in questo Matrix siamo fisico) connesso al Tutto Cosmico. Il coraggio ancor più attivo del Plesso lo sto sperimentando in pieno, guardando a testa alta e rispondendo a tono a chi mistifica la realtà dei fatti, senza arroganza ma con piena dignità, quando prima ero sempre timoroso, ed è molto affascinante che questo Chakra funga da amplificatore dei sentimenti motivatori caricati dal Cuore. Assolutamente fondamentale è poi comprendere appieno il Chi, perchè senza il suo funzionamento corretto, non riusciremo ad imprimere i nostri voleri e intenti nella materia di questo Matrix, e quindi le stesse tecniche risulterebbero incomplete. Che dire, i Chakra sono il punto fondamentale di partenza, ma già da soli costituiscono un universo di Conoscenza. Sono l'indispensabile cardine del nostro Benessere e ancor più della nostra Evoluzione. Grazie Angel, per averceli fatti scoprire con questa meravigliosa chiarezza, e soprattutto con la realtà della pratica!