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Step 2 - N° 57

Psychic Protection – How to protect yourself from entities (part 3)

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The reason why I first started protecting myself many years ago was from the fear of entities. Unfortunately, I was not living a simple situation, as some very strong presences were keeping me awake every night and influenced my life. However, I’m thankful for all those past events because they pushed me into learning psychic protection, they made me train to improve it and discover that there are much higher levels than we can imagine. Over the years I have learned that the Protection doesn’t only shield oneself from entities, but also protects from negative people and events that can affect anyone, sometimes randomly. At times we receive attacks that were specifically meant to hurt us, while at other times, we just happen to be affected by events that were not meant for us, but still we find ourselves suffering, even though we did nothing to deserve them. There are many reasons why we should protect ourselves daily and we get hit if we don’t; but in this lesson I would like to explain how to protect yourself from entities and the reason why you should do it.

Entities are free to enter any unprotected house, because there is no psychic barrier preventing them from coming in. They do not respect human rules because they don’t have any reason to. So, they don’t stop in front of closed doors or “no entry” signs. They can go anywhere, and they influence the places where they go. The belief that entities exist only in abandoned houses – therefore haunted – and that they do not move from there, makes us think that there is no way that there could be one or more presences in our house, or in the places we hang out at. That’s because our conceptions are based on a completely wrong idea of entity. In fact, we are convinced that if there are no frequent poltergeist events in a house (i.e. self-moving objects or doors slamming violently) then there is no presence that could hurt us in any way. We even think that if there is an entity that doesn’t slam doors or move any objects, then it is a good one, and therefore it’s harmless. Unfortunately, this is very far from reality. The presence of entities always causes problems, unless they are really good entities, really positive and bright ones, so that their presence cures you and solves your problems – which is very rare; otherwise their presence brings havoc and influences, which lower your energy and health. A Psychic Protection can block their energetic influences and keep them away from you, whether they are ghosts of people who lived in that house in the past (and who you might believe to be harmless just because they have never been violent), or whether they are larvae or more threatening entities. Unfortunately, even the entities that we believe to be neutral, influence us, just like people do. People influence us and even if they are not negative, they often lower our energy, bringing us back to a Low vibration. The problem is that on most occasions, entities – even the quiet ones – influence us with their energy and can cause problems to our health, our emotional life and even to our daily choices, by making them more negative. To make it simple, the entities that live in a house generally bring a lot of energetic havoc, including “bad luck”. Even if you don’t realize it, entities have a big influence on your thoughts, feelings and moods. Sometimes you might think that you have very good reasons to be nervous or sad, but these emotions are often induced by their presence. Most people don’t see entities because they haven’t developed their energetic sight, therefore many of them will believe that there is nothing in their house, and yet something could be there.

As already mentioned, in some houses you can find ghosts that have been there for a long time, but this doesn’t mean that other houses can’t be haunted as well. Ghosts, larvae, shadow people… all of them can move from a place to another and show up in a house that does not belong to them.

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It makes no sense for a ghost to show up only in the old house where it used to live when he was still alive, as most entities move around as they like, they’re not stuck in just one house; they can get around a lot. Let’s give a typical example of grandparents protecting their grandchild. In many cases, when the grandchild has a beautiful relationship either with one of the two grandparents, or with both, he can often feel their presence even though they passed away. You might have often heard someone say that they feel protected by their grandparents and that sometimes, in their house, they can feel their presence. Sometimes it’s just a feeling, but many other stories are true. This is just a simple but typical example that shows how even the most recently disembodied people – who do not have much experience in this new dimension – can move from one house to another with no limits. In fact, the grandchild can feel the grandparents’ presence even in his own house, and not necessarily when going to his grandparents’ old house. Entities can move, especially shadow people who are much more wandering kind of entities, and have no problems moving from one place to another, which they do very often. While some ghosts prefer to stay most of the time in their old house, other entities, such as shadow people, do not bind themselves to a specific place. Some of them, in fact, inhabit it only as long as it suits them, which means until they find proper nourishment and comfort there. As soon as they feel that the place is no longer suitable for them, they leave and change their home. Having one or more shadow people in the house is not good at all, because they bring problems, discomfort, bad moods, even behavioral outbursts, so much as to change the character of the people living in the house, making them mentally unstable. It happens suddenly, in fact no one notices the moment when the entity gets into the house, because most people are not able to see them. Starting from that moment, it will influence those people’s mood and health, often bringing them quite serious family and life problems. Many entities are not poltergeists, in the sense that they do not move objects nor make any noise. So, if you are not perceptive at high levels, you will never notice their presence, not even in years and years of cohabitation, unless they are the ones who want to get noticed and therefore show themselves or make noises that lead you to grow suspicious. Otherwise, you will never notice anything, but that does not mean there is no presence.

Some presences are even more silent, like the small larvae, that you cannot see or feel, but that manage to get inside people’s auras or, even worse, in their bodies, and cause them very strong pains and sometimes illnesses. If you have a permanent pain, such as a continuous pain in one knee, one hip, one shoulder, a specific area of the back (which sometimes moves from one point to another of your back), then you should pay more attention to this topic and read carefully all the articles concerning Entities. Regardless of whether you have experiences with larvae, ghosts, shadow people and other kinds of entities, or you have never lived any kind of situation that made you suspect their presence, it is always good to protect yourself psychically and, above all, to protect your house. This way, you will avoid that someday an entity carrying low vibrations, or a negative one, enters your house, because even if it’s only passing by, it might affect you and the people who live there. The fact that you have never seen or heard anything in particular does not mean that they cannot get close to your home or that they cannot get close to you while you are in other people’s houses, where there might be presences, even though you can’t see or hear them. They can also be in your friends’ or relatives’ homes, even in the house where you spent all your childhood, but – if of course you had not developed your sixth sense – you had never noticed their presence. Therefore, when you go to their places, the presence of entities can influence you and change something within you, like your mood, your thoughts or, even worse, your health. When you go back home, you won’t understand why and you certainly won’t realize that it was an entity’s fault, but you will blame it on something else, for example on what you ate or on the stressful workload of the day before. Any excuse is good to prevent you from noticing the real reason you feel that way, and this will go on even after you come back home. In fact, it is going to continue for a long time.

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Even if you cannot see them, entities are there and affect people’s moods, thoughts, choices and health much more intensively than you think. For example, in hospitals there are many larvae, which move from person to person, stealing energy and causing them health problems. If you have often gone to the hospital just to accompany someone (so not because of your own health problems), you may have noticed that, although you felt good before entering the building, when you left you felt tired and empty, as if someone or something had stolen all your energy. This happens because sick people steal a lot of energy from passers-by, but also because in hospitals there are many entities and many larvae that do just the same thing. If you left the hospital with some aches, even though you came in as a companion and not as a patient, the doubt might have crossed your mind but, as usual, you wanted to ignore your higher instinct. Moreover, if you work in a hospital or in a similar place, it is even worse because you’re subject to these influences every single day and not just occasionally. So, do not believe that your energy gets used to them, because every day you are influenced and vampirized more and more, until exhaustion. It is no coincidence that those who work with sick people often end up getting sick themselves, even if with different diseases: they do not get sick because the patients infect them with their physical illness, but because patients steal a lot of energy from doctors and nurses, who – sooner or later – will have an energetic collapse that will lead them to mental or physical disorder. By mental disorders, I do not necessarily mean the highest level, that of insanity, but also very deep sadness, constant moodiness and similar pathologies, which end up bringing considerable emotional problems. But the solution is not to stop helping people in need, or to stay away from them for the fear of being infected, especially because we are not talking about contagion here, but vampirization (or stolen energy), or energy influences. To avoid negative energetic influences, there is no need to isolate yourself from the world and stay away from any human being, because this does not prevent entities from taking advantage of your loneliness, to hit you even harder. The solution is to protect yourself, in fact you cannot run away from energetic influences and from people or entities that steal your energy; but you can prevent them from doing so by building a strong Psychic Protection that will always defend you, especially because you don’t know when the worst moment is about to come. It will keep on protecting you non-stop.

We get the worst influences when we least expect them, since we don’t have to work in a hospital to get a larva: you could catch it while shopping at the supermarket, queuing next to a person who is himself a victim of larvae, and if your energy is poorly protected it is easy for them to move from that person (who has already been vampirized enough) to you, a new good nutrition. Some people want to believe that if you have good energy, and especially if you are healthy and have bright energy, the larvae will be even more attracted to you. The truth lies in the middle, because the larvae are not attracted to those who have very positive and bright energy, but they simply seek nourishment and they do not go looking for it in people who are sick or who are dying, because they would have very little to feed on. You want to get fresh food from the supermarket too, rather than expired meat or rotten vegetables. So, you choose the freshest vegetables and meat, and try as much as you can to eat the best possible food. The larvae obviously prefer a fresh meal, so they look for people who have energy they can feed on. They feed themselves to the point of making people sick and lacking in energy, they stay in them until they find a better victim; but they may not find one soon and continue to feed on one person as long as they can, sometimes until the end of their lives. However, this does not mean that the healthier and brighter the person is, the more he attracts larvae, because otherwise what should you do? Get sick and have low energy so that you don’t attract them? It makes no sense.

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Bright energy does not attract larvae, quite the opposite; but it is normal that, like cowards – indeed they are called Larvae -, they long to get close to people who contain more energy and from whom they can get a better nourishment. However, this is very different from attracting larvae: in fact, the more a person is in good health and full of positive, bright energy, the more he attracts positive experiences and events.

These are very important reasons why we should protect ourselves and practice strong protections on ourselves continuously, to prevent larvae, negative entities and people or low vibrations from affecting or stealing our energy. Protecting yourself is important so that when you go to places where they steal even more energy from you, you will not get overwhelmed. You should never underestimate the Protection on your home either, as it is fundamental for your health, both mental and, especially, physical, too. As already mentioned, don’t believe that one’s home is free from presences, even from the smallest larva, just because you are not able to see them. In addition, it may also be true that an entity, such as a ghost, never entered your house, but they – and especially other kinds of entities (larvae, shadows, etc.) can enter at any time in the future, even after years and years, and for various reasons. Sometimes, unfortunately, the entities themselves come into your home uninvited, they happen to like the place and therefore decide to stay. Some other times, they follow you from the outside, from places you have visited, and they come into your house with you. On other occasions, they follow other people who come to your house, bringing entities along with them. So, you never know the reason why you find yourself under an entity’s influence or vampirization, but still it happens, and this should not scare you, but motivate you even more to protect yourself. In fact, Protecting yourself cannot hurt you… but sleepless nights and days full of obsessions and fears surely do! Thus, you have nothing to lose but only to gain if you decide to psychically protect yourself from presences and from whatever is negative for you. You have no reason to be afraid and to feel intimidated, but you have so many reasons to protect yourself every day.

So, let’s move on to the practice.

I want to teach you the Psychic Protection that will shelter you and your home from the presences and therefore from any kind of entities’ influences. I suggest you sit comfortably, with your back straight, and follow the directions I will give you step by step. Dedicate one minute to the first task, then move on to the next one. When you are ready, you can start with the Psychic Protection technique. It will take about 25-30 minutes.


Start to relax, to feel at peace, and don’t have any expectations on what is about to come.

Just stay calm and relaxed.


Take a deep breath… and start summoning white energy all around you.


Visualize the white prana coming close to you.


Concentrate on attracting the purest energy, with the intent that it hastens to approach you. It must be a lot.


Feel the positive energy and the wellness that its presence brings along.

Feel safer in its presence. You know it is here to make you stronger.


Now visualize the white prana that begins to take shape around you, the shape of a Bubble.


Breathe deeply…


This Bubble, about a meter and a half wide, contains you, surrounds you and protects you completely.


Breathe prana inside of you.


Summon prana the outside the bubble, to strengthen its layer and make it impenetrable.


Concentrate on the resistance of the bubble, you must feel it hard, solid, it cannot be overcome.


Imprint the intent that no presence, of any kind, can approach you and influence you with its energy.


Make the bubble harder, stronger: nothing can pass through it.


As you well know, this Protection is made of prana, so feed it with even more prana. Call white energy into the bubble, to fill it up completely.


Fill the entire bubble with white prana and make sure it doesn’t have any empty spots.

Inside, there is only you and a great amount of white prana.

Feel the white prana filling up the Bubble and leaving no room for any kind of presences, not even larvae or other small beings that steal your energy. Feel them swept out of your bubble and forbid them to come in.

Breathe prana inside of you.

And relax…


Focus now on your home.

Summon white prana all around your house.


Call even more prana, a lot more than you have done up to now.


Visualize the white prana approaching your house and surrounding it.


Call more white prana and start giving it a shape, shape it into a bubble that surrounds your house completely.


The bubble must be about 2 meters large in each direction beyond the house.


Visualize the bubble taking shape and becoming more solid. 2 meters above the roof…


2 meters under the floor, to protect the house also from influences coming from the ground..


2 meters from the back of the house …


2 meters from each side of the house…


Focus on the whole huge bubble, which must contain and protect the entire house.

Now visualize it brighter, stronger and more solid.


Focus on the bubble; make it stronger, more solid, with the intent that it cannot be overcome.

Breathe prana inside of you.

Now summon prana around the bubble, so that its protective barrier becomes more compact, more decisive.


Now, let’s go inside the bubble. Call white pranic energy inside the house; call as much prana as you can.

Summon bright energy with the intention of filling up the house and expand it throughout the entire surface of the house, in every room and every direction, including the bathroom, the room you use the least and the basement.

Call even more white prana inside the house and expand it in all directions.


Feel the energy cleaning the house, protecting and revitalizing it.

Call more prana and expand it throughout the house with a more precise intent: it must push all sorts of energetic presences out of the house.


Feel the white energy becoming abundant, expand it throughout the house and in the meantime feel it pushing, like a strong glass barrier, feel it throwing out every kind presence and entity out of the house.


From the center of the house, cast this energy even more strongly towards the outside of your home, driving away any kind of entity which might be there.


White energy prevents entities from entering the house. Feel it and be firm about this intent.


Now fill up the house with white energy, fill it to the brim.

The house must overflow with bright and positive energy, which must keep the house protected and impossible to penetrate.

Shift your attention to your room only, the room you sleep in, and fill it up with prana, with an even greater intensity, pushing away any kind of presence.


Make the protection stronger, especially in your bedroom.

Focus again on the outside of the Bubble. Reinforce it with prana, with the intent that no entity can cross it and enter your house.

Feel confident about that, because the bubble can be much stronger than you think.

Make it capable of preventing any entity from overcoming the barrier: no one can enter your house.


For the last time, fill the Bubble up from the inside, then call prana inside the house and increase it even more, expand it everywhere with the intent to throw out any kind of entity.


Now, reinforce the outer barrier of the bubble, so that it protects your home from the outside, for at least 2 meters in each direction.


Breathe prana and relax…


Breathe deeply…


And relax.


We have completed the Psychic Protection. When you are ready, you can keep reading this article.


Welcome back from this Protection against negative entities and presences. I hope you felt the power that this Protection can have on your home, so now you just have to practice it much more often! In today’s lesson, I taught you the detailed technique, but when you have little time, you can reduce this technique to 5 minutes of practice. But when you can, I suggest you practice it longer. Even if we have not stated it clearly, the Psychic Protection protects you from negative entities, or at least from their intent to hurt you – but obviously, it will not drive away any bright and good presence, because your Bubble does not consider them as enemies: hence, you have nothing to fear. The Bubble will work much better than you think, because it will be able to understand who vibrates at its same vibration (therefore a positive one), and who has a lower vibration instead, therefore negative, and prevent it from entering. The more you practice, the more you’ll be sure that the Protection works great. For this reason, I suggest you practice it at least once every day, for a minimum of 5 minutes every time. If possible, practice it more often than this, for example twice a day or even only once, but dedicating it a few more minutes: you will notice big differences. When you don’t have much time, dedicate at least 5 minutes to the Protection, but do not neglect it, because it can protect you from much more damage than you can imagine. Remember not to underestimate its presence, believing that it is enough to practice occasionally to prevent any entity from accessing your home or influencing you from a distance. Practicing takes a little time, but it avoids problems that would have taken a lot more to be solved.

Let me know through a comment here below how your practice was, how you felt during the technique and which step allowed you to feel the strongest Protection. I will be happy to read any experience on this practice.

End of page 10 of 10. If you liked the article, comment below to describe your feelings while reading or practicing the proposed technique.

This document is the translation of the original article ( on the Dimensional Consciousness Academy website.

965 comentarios
  • cappuccino

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    18:08 20/10/24

    Quersta pratica e’ davvero potente. Ho sentito molta energia e luce intorno a me. Visualizzo questa grande bolla con uno strato esterno davvero spesso e impenetrabile. Da’ un forte senso di sicurezza.

  • dolores

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    19:25 16/10/24

    Grazie Angel questa pratica è veramente potente mi da coraggio e fa sentire la mia casa pulita e tranquilla come se ancora fosse presente tanta prana

  • deb
    Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1
    Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Volume 1

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    07:48 10/10/24

    La questione delle entità è molto ampia e parto dal fatto che pensavo che fosse raro entrare in contatto con entità o vederle eppure è solo un pensiero messo per distrarci e farle agire indisturbate. Quando pratico la protezione sulla casa do per scontato che mi protegga da tutto ma penso sia meglio che inizi ad alternare i diversi intenti e metta un intento specifico sulle entità. Siamo sotto influenze più di quanto pensiamo anche indirettamente. Grazie🩵

  • fab

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    16:40 08/10/24

    Tecnica molto interessante è molto importante proteggere la propria casa,noi e la famiglia da energie negative, entità e larve; la sensazione dopo aver eseguito la protezione è di tranquillità e pace

  • Luca.r

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    13:43 04/10/24

    Spero di aver protetto me e tutta la casa al meglio, voglio essere al sicuro e poter continuare ad evolvermi tranquillamente

  • berserksgangr

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    20:20 29/09/24

    Ho provato a praticare questa tecnica per la prima volta. Avevo già fatto quella della bolla protettiva personale, ma devo dire che questa è risultata più impegnativa. Le sensazioni durante la pratica coinvolgevano tutto il mio corpo. Sentivo distintamente tutta l'energia circondarmi. Il sentore "ovattato" di vibrazione attorno al mio corpo è rimasto parecchi minuti finita la pratica. La parte in cui ho percepito maggiormente l'energia è stato quando comprimevo la prana per spingere fuori le entità. Mi impegnerò a rendere costante questo esercizio, per migliorare la protezione e la mia elevazione.

  • fulvia74

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    16:24 24/08/24

    eseguo questa pratica oggi per la prima volta, e' stata per me molto impegnativa e stancante, a mi ha dato la possibilità di fare sia la mia bolla e poi di proteggere la casa , e' stato impegnativo ma sono riuscita a percepire la casa luminosa, c'era luce da tutte le parti, la parte di buttare fuori di casa le negatività e ' stata veramente faticosa, presumo che ci fosse molta negatività, alla fine mi sono sentita sollevata e liberata, la luce aveva una forza abbinata all'intento nel buttare fuori le negatività' che mi sembrava oltre passare i muri e liberare ogni angolo della casa, e per la prima volta ho recepito che la bolla respingeva qualsiasi cosa volesse oltre passarla, era impenetrabile e intorno c'era tanta energia bianca che la proteggeva. Sento di avere bisogno di protezione, sento che molti aspetti della mia vita ruotano intorno alla protezione, in questa fase del percorso sto facendo un lavoro quotidiano di protezione mia , da oggi della casa, e di alcune persone a me care, insieme alla pulizia della mia energia. Grazie a tutti per condividere le vostre esperienze che aiutano il mio percorso.

  • nandi

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    15:07 18/08/24

    Se considero l'esercizio, per me combina la protezione personale e la protezione dello spazio vitale in un'unica sessione, con l'intenzione specifica di essere protetto da entità di qualsiasi tipo. Per me, tuttavia, questo significa anche che posso dividere l'esercizio se ho meno tempo a disposizione, dando la priorità alla protezione dello spazio vitale e in particolare della camera da letto. Gli esseri di vario tipo si trovano davvero ovunque e non sono necessariamente legati a un unico luogo. Questo rende ancora più importante mantenere il mio spazio vitale libero da questi esseri, in modo da potermi rigenerare a casa, praticare in pace e ricaricare le batterie. In ogni caso, l'esercizio mi ha aiutato a migliorare e rafforzare anche la mia protezione Psichica, concentrandomi ancora di più sui confini esterni della mia bolla e rendendoli il più forti e impenetrabili possibile. Anche in questo caso sono passato a iniziare dalla barriera esterna, fino a quando riesco a visualizzarla nel modo più chiaro possibile, e solo allora riempio il resto dello spazio con un prana bianco denso e luminoso. Questo mi aiuta a vedere meglio l'intera bolla e a mantenere forte l'intenzione.

  • folletto369

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    02:08 14/08/24

    Articolo molto importante che ci aiuta a rendere conto che, sebbene non le vediamo, esistono presenze che possono influenzare noi stessi e la casa dove viviamo. Ottimo esercizio di protezione che ci aiuta a creare protezione attorno a noi stessi e la nostra casa. Durante la pratica ho percepito un forte sensazione di sicurezza. Sono grato di essere entrato in conoscenza di questo esercizio.

  • rik

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    18:50 13/08/24

    Ottima e completa sessione di meditazione per la protezione della persona e dell’abitazione. L’avevo praticata nel passato e ripeterla è stata un’esperienza molto positiva ed evolutiva. Liberarsi dalla presenza di larve, entità, parassiti che possono infestare ambienti e persone e che possono danneggiare salute, attività lavorative e relazioni in genere e’ di fondamentale importanza per vivere un’esistenza serena e piena di soddisfazioni. Spesso non ci accorgiamo delle presenze e delle contaminazioni di tali entità che non si vedono ma che indubbiamente esistono . Unitamente alla pratica del taglio dei fili ed al rinforzo dell’aura ho trovato questa tecnica molto utile e la inserirò nelle mie sessioni settimanali. Grazie Angel per averci trasmesso queste nuove e sostanziali informazioni spirituali.

  • GiacomoR
    Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1
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    15:59 12/08/24

    Questa tecnica di protezione è veramente potente. Ho sentito la protezione scacciare via la negatività molto bene, sopratutto quando mi sono concentrato a mettere l’intento nell’energia di spingere via le entità negative, ho sentito proprio come una pressione/vento che spingeva via tutto. Durante la mia protezione personale in quel passaggio ho sentito tanti pesi che si staccavano da me e i toni molto alti nonostante le cuffiette. Non so se si trattasse di larve o influenze negative ma sono sicuro che abbia fatto effetto positivo immediatamente. Durante la pratica mi sono reso conto di averne ancora alcune addosso, quindi dovrò ripetere questa protezione ancora svariate volte.

  • lorenara
    Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1

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    18:57 04/08/24

    Questo articolo l avevo lasciato indietro, con mia grande sorpresa sono riuscita a comprendere che il periodo abbastanza pesante che sto passando da qualche mese a questa parte potrebbe in parte essere causato da entità che abitano in casa mia o che si aggirano da queste parti. Non l avevo mai praticata e ringrazio per averlo potuto fare oggi. È stato molto intenso, abito in un palazzo e ho iniziato a creare la bolla intorno al mio appartamento, ma in seguito, quando l indicazione diceva di comprendere anche la cantina ho esteso la bolla intorno a tutto il palazzo, innanzitutto per comprendere la cantina, che con ciò che contiene potrebbe venire contaminata da entità e andando a prenderne oggetti che ne sono contenuti potrei portarmeli in casa, in secondo luogo perché se proteggo anche gli appartamenti dell intero palazzo i vicini non potranno altro che beneficiarne e anche io perché se le le loro case dovessero contenere entità negative potrebbero facilmente accedere al mio interno o comunque far propagare malesseri ai vicini stessi che poi, ne aumenterebbero le energie negative. Non so però se ho fatto correttamente, durante la pratica avevo il cuore che batteva davvero molto forte ed è come se mi fossi cimentata in qualcosa per cui non ero pronta. Ad ogni modo l ho fatto e adesso me ne sento soddisfatta . Grazie grazie grazie

  • paolino
    Medaglia per aver completato il libro Il Sigillo delle Vite Passate - Volume 2

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    19:46 02/08/24

    Molto bella questa pratica , che oltre a proteggere me , protegge anche la mia casa , come se stessi facendo una pulizia energetica , ma invece di farla su me stesso, la faccio sulla casa! ho sentito un'intento molto forte nel richiamare prana e quando sono stato circondato da essa , mi sono sentito appagato e ripulito da entità oscure . Importante la protezione su se stessi , ma anche prolungarla alla casa , è di maggiore effetto e più completa, dà più un senso di positività ! davvero potente ! grazie

  • miky79

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    16:58 02/08/24

    Leggendo questo articolo molto più dettagliato e completo sulle entità ne sono rimasta scioccata e coinvolta in quanto io lavoro in una struttura sanitaria e il mio mestiere e quindi sono ben soggetta a questi attacchi io ho pensato tutte le cose che ha descritto Angel che se hai una energia pulita e alta non ti attaccano che se in casa non ho mai avuto fenomeni non c'è nulla e solo ora che c'è lo a spiegato così bene mi rendo conto di come alcune delle nostre credenze siano trappole fortunatamente e benevolmente Angel ci ha fornito queste potenti tecniche di protezione se prima la praticavo un paio di volte a settimane ora sicuramente rientrerà nella mia priorità di routine giornaliera di meditazione grazie di vero cuore anche perché la trovo molto potente grazie

  • robertag
    Medaglia per aver completato lo Step 1 per la 2ª volta
    Medaglia per aver completato il libro Il Sigillo delle Vite Passate - Volume 1

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    16:54 02/08/24

    Dopo aver letto le domande sul sesto senso, ho avuto la sensazione che tutti i piccoli fastidi fisici che stavo provando in questo periodo fossero causate da entità, infatti fra le domande, una chiedeva se un dolore allo stomaco potesse essere un segno del Sesto Senso e tu hai risposto che è più probabile che si tratti di un'entità. La mia situazione era la seguente, normalmente non mi pungono le zanzare e da un mese mi massacrano e le punture subite continuano a prudere ininterrottamente, puoi capire come, durante la meditazione, fosse molto difficile applicare il non pensiero. Inoltre stavano peggiorando altri fastidi che, anche loro, portavano difficoltà nella pratica. Io non ho mai percepito entità in vita mia, prima di incontrare l'Accademia non ci pensavo nemmeno. Allora mi sono spostata subito su questo step, l'ho letto e mi sono chiarita le idee sull'argomento, effettivamente si apre un mondo di risposte a domande e dubbi che fino ad oggi non ne avevano. Ho effettuato la pratica, molto intensa, con ferma intenzione e devo dire che al termine, i pruriti sono cessati, mi sento liberata dal quell'incubo. Ora procedo ripetendo la protezione dalle entità per alcuni giorni di file e vedo se tutti i problemi si risolvono. Questo cambia radicalmente la mia visione della malattia, soprattutto di quei problemi che arrivano senza motivo e ce ne sono sempre. Nella parte in cui si protegge dalle entità la casa, abitando in un condominio, ho creato la bolla attorno a tutta la palazzina, siamo 10 appartamenti di gente molto gentile a cui sono affezionata, la visualizzazione è venuta da sola e l'ho assecondata. Inoltre in caso di entità è meglio mandarle via da tutto il condominio, no?! Grazie Davvero